Edwardsmaths, the next step
Edwardsmaths is alreeds die afgelope 11 jaar besig om reeds bestaande eksamen vraestelle, toetse en ander SBA take met die memoranda op te laai. Hierdie materiaal is vir gebruik deur onderwysers en leerders en is gratis beskikbaar.
‘n Nuwe toevoeging van 2019 af is eksamenvraestelle en memoranda wat te koop aangebied word. Hierdie materiaal word opgestel deur ‘n ervare onderwyser met 24 jaar ondervinding van graad 8-12 wiskunde onderrig asook 6 jaar ondervinding as nasiener van die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat eksamen. Alle vraestelle word opgestel in ooreenstemming met die NKV en is beskikbaar in Afrikaans en Engels. Die vraestelle word in MS Word beskikbaar gestel sodat veranderinge/byvoegings maklik gedoen kan word.
For the last 11 years Edwardsmaths has been uploading past examination papers, tests and other SBA tasks as well memorandum. This material is available to teachers and learners at no cost.
A new addition since 2019 is examination papers and memorandums that is offered for sale. This material is set by an experienced teacher with 24 years of experience of grade 8-12 teaching as well as 6 years of experience as marker of the National Senior Certificate examination. All papers are set in accordance to CAPS and is available in both Afrikaans and English. The papers are made available in MS Word to make it easy to change or add on.
Grade 8 June Paper 1 & 2 with memos,Â
now available.
hi im a grade 12 learner…i discovered you site when i was in grade 10 and it has been of a great help to me…….i would like you to inform me if there’s anything new i am willi..thank you
Is this upcoming original papers we write this year. If so Thank you
I really need help
Lets help each other with maths