2021 NATIONAL ATP(Annual Teaching Plan) GRADE 12
Questions and Answers based on the Grade 12 ATP.Â
Vrae en Antwoorde gebaseer op die Graad 12 ATP.
The aim of this study guide is to help you prepare for the end of year examination. It will focus on the core content of each knowledge area an will point out where you can earn easy marks. The study guide of DBE, Mind the Gap, will be used as framework.
Each term your teacher will cover different topics as prescribed by the ATP. As a topic progresses, different questions will be uploaded here. The solutions will be added a few days later.Â
You are invited to participate and post your solution in the “comment” column. Other people can then also help you by leaving comments. In this way we should be able to help each other.
I am looking forward to your participation.
Die doel van hierdie studiegids is om jou te help om vir die eindeksamen voor te berei. Dit sal fokus op die kerninhoud van elke kennisarea en uitwys waar jy maklik punte kan verdien. Die studiegids van DBO, Mind the Gap, sal as raamwerk gebruik word.
Elke kwartaal behandel jou onderwyser verskillende onderwerpe soos voorgeskryf deur die ATP. Soos julle aangaan met die onderwerp, sal verskillende vrae hier opgelaai word. Die oplossings sal ‘n paar dae later bygevoeg word.
Jy word uitgenooi om deel te neem en jou oplossing te plaas in die kommentaar kolom. Ander persone kan jou dan ook help deur kommentaar te lewer. Op hierdie wyse kan ons almal mekaar help.
Ek sien uit na jou deelname.
the question is approachable and it helps me understand the topic much better than before.
a) Tn=7n-1
b) 146
c) n=14